The Booming Benefits of Fish Oil, Side Effects, Dosage, Reviews, and Whether You Should Eat It With Soybean Lecithin

The Booming Benefits of Fish Oil, Side Effects, Dosage, Reviews, and Whether You Should Eat It With Soybean Lecithin

Fish oil supplements are commonly known as Omega-3 and are very popular with both adults and kids. You can even find them for dogs and pets! These supplements can come in liquid, capsule, or pill form. What Are Fish Oil and Fish Oil Supplements? Fish oil is fat or oil that is extracted from fish…

Probiotics and Prebiotics: The Best Food Sources to Look For

Probiotics and Prebiotics: The Best Food Sources to Look For

Probiotics are live bacteria (good or helpful bacteria) and yeast that live in your gut. They are excellent for your gut and immune health. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients like fibre that promote the growth of probiotics (live bacteria and beneficial micro-organisms). What Are Probiotics-rich Food? They can be found in our daily food sources…

The Comvita Manuka Honey Guide: How to Spot the Real Deal
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The Comvita Manuka Honey Guide: How to Spot the Real Deal

The hype going on about manuka honey nowadays is understandable. People claim that they have found gold in a jar – and why not, when the ‘superfood’ has proven to treat numerous ailments and health issues? Amid growing hype among consumers are the numerous manuka product claims that assert their purity. Unwary buyers never suspect…

On Scaly Basis: Crocodile Oil Will Be the Next Big Trend in Beauty and Wellness

On Scaly Basis: Crocodile Oil Will Be the Next Big Trend in Beauty and Wellness

The sprawling number of beauty and wellness ingredients are as vast as the ocean – aloe vera, honey, coconut, and plenty more. They all contain antioxidants dedicated to making your skin smoother and hair softer. Our planet has endless ways to give us natural moisturisers in the name of beauty – even from the wildest…

Guilt-Free Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: Benefits, Reviews and Side Effects

Guilt-Free Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: Benefits, Reviews and Side Effects

Goli apple cider vinegar gummy is a concentrated form of apple cider vinegar in a gummy sweet. Two gummies give you the same amount of nutrients as one shot of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a great superfood, especially for those with “the mother”. This term refers to the cloudy and murky sediments…

Essential Everyday Tips to Fight the Coronavirus

Essential Everyday Tips to Fight the Coronavirus

COVID-19 has been ravaging the world by storm. Many people fear being infected, as well as the potential long-term side effects that this virus brings. The virus has also experienced many mutations, with the most commonly known today being the Delta and Omicron variants. Tips to Combat the Coronavirus The coronavirus has swept through the…

Your Number 1 Guide to Stay Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Your Number 1 Guide to Stay Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak

On 31 December, 2019, cases of pneumonia of unknown origin were detected in Wuhan, China. By 7 January, 2020, a novel coronavirus was determined as the cause by Chinese authorities and temporarily called “2019-nCoV”. Supposedly having originated in Wuhan City, the coronavirus flu outbreak has been keeping the world on high alert. Countries like Singapore,…

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我个人在大学时期已对蜂疗有兴趣。我有很长时间的咳嗽,而药剂却不能帮助我太多。 因此我转向麦卢卡蜂蜜,而它却帮到我!自此开始,我就阅读了所有关于蜂蜜制品、蜂疗及人类如何在以前的时代使用它的研究。 什么是蜂针疗法?蜂针疗法是什么意思? 蜂针疗法是一种用蜜蜂类产品来治疗从急性和慢性损伤所带来的疾病、症状及长期疼痛的另一个疗法。蜂针疗法(俗称蜂疗)用蜜蜂类产品如蜂蜜、花粉、蜂毒、蜂王浆、蜂胶、蜂蜡等。 (例如:新加坡红珊瑚蜂疗) 蜂蜜产品有许多医疗用处能够在埃及人、希腊人、韩国人、俄国人、华人及欧洲人的传统药物研究上找到。 蜂疗的益处及用途 歷史上,蜂蜜已被用作在各種條件下為補品和補充療法來治療各種狀況。 促进我们免疫力系统的多种维生素 从花蜜和花粉采集的蜂蜜产品有许多的维生素及营养能够帮助我们的免疫力系统。最普遍的就是各种蜂蜜,从普通的花蜜到特殊的单花花蜜(如:麦卢卡蜂蜜),都是透过花蜜来给我们益处。蜂王浆及蜂胶含有对我们身体有用的丰富维他命及矿物质。这些多种维生素能够帮助我们促进免疫力来改进我们的健康。您可以选择要麦卢卡蜂蜜、蜂王浆或蜂胶。 缓解咳嗽及喉咙疼痛 一个简单的温蜂蜜水就是天然的止咳剂。一茶匙的蜂蜜或一杯温蜂蜜水可以缓解喉咙疼痛。 缓解过敏 服用本地野生蜂蜜也能够保护过敏因为本地野生蜂蜜会产出一小部分的花粉在您的身体里。志雄部分的花粉能够帮助你的身体去习惯过敏原及帮助您去抵抗它。 帮助伤口治疗 在历史上,男人都用蜂蜜敷在伤口上来治疗伤口。蜂蜜能够把水分抽出来,使伤口保持干的状态。蜂蜜也是抗菌及抗炎的好帮手,能够避免伤口感染。切记您不可使用普通的蜂蜜来治疗伤口。医疗认证、干净及纯真的蜂蜜才能够更有效的治疗伤口。 口臭、牙龈炎及牙菌斑 加入蜂胶在您日常使用的漱口水(或只是白开水)可以减少牙龈炎及牙菌斑。临床研究显示蜂胶可以阻止牙菌斑的诞生及改进牙龈炎。蜂胶能够天然地防止口腔疾病。蜂胶也能够治疗和防止口腔溃疡。 蜂疗能够减少风湿关节炎疼痛 自古希腊文明以来,蜂毒疗法被用在治疗各种关节炎疼痛疾病。蜂毒是抗炎剂,它能够帮助缓解疼痛。人们用蜂毒蜂疗来缓解来自于风湿关节炎的疼痛、肿胀和僵硬。临床研究显示蜂毒疗法能够减少对药物的需要及减少疼痛和复发的风险。其他研究也显示蜂毒针灸也能够减少疼痛和肿胀及在医疗关节炎上有更好的效果。 能够助于缓解关节疼痛、肿胀肌肉、风湿疼痛 研究显示蜂毒可以缓解关节疼痛、肿胀肌肉及风湿疼痛。自古希腊及中国文化,蜂蜜疗法都被用于减轻疼痛及缓解关节炎。其中一个由新加坡制作的著名蜂疗品牌现在在香港、台湾和大陆都有一定的名气。 我已经在这篇博文底部写了一篇更详细的文章,让那些想要知道更多关于蜂疗如何能够帮助缓解风湿病、关节炎疼痛患者的人参详。 蜂疗蜂蜜产品 蜜蜂是在极其复杂的工业环境下可生产以下产品: 蜂蜜 蜜蜂们从花朵中采集花蜜及花粉,把它们加工就会变成甜甜的甜制品,那就是蜂蜜。 多花蜜 – 普通的餐桌蜂蜜 从不同的花朵和植物所采集的花蜜都称为多花蜜,它含有凤舞的矿物质及维他命。 单花蜜 有一些更好的蜂蜜是蜜蜂只在同一个植物上采集的蜂蜜,叫单花蜜。这样独特的单花蜜含有丰富的该植物的营养。一些出名及高价的例子有麦卢卡蜂蜜(来自麦卢卡树)或中东锡德蜂蜜(来自锡德树)。 花粉 蜜蜂用它们从花朵里采集回来的花粉来喂养自己的幼虫。蜜蜂非常喜欢花粉里粉蛋白质及氨基酸。我们也可以用花粉当做多用维他命来建立我们身体对空气中过敏原的抵抗力。 蜂蜡 蜜蜂的蜂巢蜂窝结构是蜜蜂们用蜂蜡来为他们的幼虫建造房间及用来食物储存等。蜂蜡可以用在美容产品,蜡烛等等。 蜂王浆 工蜂只为它们的蜂王制造这含有丰富营养的食物。这个食物含有丰富的酶及大量的维他命和矿物质来支撑蜂王比较疲乏的工作。 蜂毒 蜜蜂会产出蜂毒来来刺及保护蜂巢避免外来的攻击。蜂毒治疗已用于一直40多种疾病如疣,关节炎,多发性硬化等。 花粉蜜 花蜜被收集起来后,与蜜蜂消化液和花蜜混合,然后被装进蜂窝细胞里。蜜蜂就会用蜂蜜把它们封起来然后当做食物来储存。 蜂胶 蜂胶是一种用口水、酶、蜂蜡和从树芽或液流等的树脂的混合物。蜜蜂用蜂胶来把蜂巢封起来,为的是保护蜂巢外来的威胁,如:细菌、真菌或病毒感染。因着蜜蜂​​用它来保护蜂巢,它是一个抗真菌剂、抗菌剂和抗病毒剂。 蜂疗蜂蜜 麦卢卡蜂蜜是最有名的蜂疗蜂蜜。我和我的家人每天都会食用麦卢卡蜂蜜来促进我们的免疫力及提升我们的健康。 锡德尔蜂蜜也是一种在中东非常有名的蜂疗蜂蜜。它也在因着能用于增进我们的免疫力,它的医疗价值在西方社会也逐渐被认可 蜂疗的副作用及风险 蜂疗其实也有一些它的副作用及风险。有些人会对普通蜜蜂产品如:蜂蜜、花粉或蜂胶等过敏。所以在这里劝勉,如果想要尝试新的产品,先从少量开始。然后再慢慢的增加使用量和记录身体对产品的反应。倘若有感觉到不舒服或肿胀,请立刻停止使用。 大多数的人对常用的蜂蜜产品如:蜂蜜、花粉、蜂王浆、蜂胶等身体没有太大的的问题,但是如果您有顾虑,请向医生或营养师咨询。 蜂毒蜂疗或蜂疗针灸拥有最大的副作用和风险。蜜蜂制造蜂毒来攻击,而虽然它对大多数的人没什么危险性,但是它可以对蜂毒较敏感的个体造成较大的过敏反应。 就我们个人所言,我们不鼓励患者用蜂毒疗法或蜂疗针灸来治疗因为蜂毒本来就是蜜蜂用来攻击威胁的武器。虽然专家及专业人士表示这些疗法都在控制的范围内,但是请记得,处理这些疗法的一定要是专家及专业人士。为了完善这些资料,我们也会提供它们的一些基本资料。 蜂毒蜂疗 蜂毒疗法(也称…

Awesome Aloe Vera: The Benefits of This Miracle Plant

Awesome Aloe Vera: The Benefits of This Miracle Plant

Over the past two years, aloe vera skincare products have gained massive popularity. Have you heard or used it personally before? These products are available in these forms: soaps, shampoos, creams and lotions for beauty purposes, gels, masks, and so on. Aloe can also be used as a hair styling gel and works especially well…

Bird Nest Tonic – Product Benefits, Myths, Trust, and Why? FAQs on Singapore’s edible delicacy

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For centuries, bird’s nest has been a prized possession enjoyed by royalty. Today, it continues to be a delicacy in Chinese culture savoured by many. How has this unique animal product survived changing times while retaining its popularity? Today, it continues to be a delicacy in Chinese culture savored by many. How has this unique…

Why Is Comvita Manuka Honey Number 1 in New Zealand and the Best Worldwide?
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Why Is Comvita Manuka Honey Number 1 in New Zealand and the Best Worldwide?

UPDATE as of May 2020: Comvita’s authorised dealers will have a regular Certificate of Analysis (COA) for the manuka honey imported into their countries. Stay with us till the end to see the latest COA for Comvita manuka honey imported for Singapore and Asia. Comvita manuka honey (康维他麦卢卡蜂蜜) is considered the gold standard. It’s regarded…

4 Healthy Quinoa Recipes for Weight Loss and Keto Diets
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4 Healthy Quinoa Recipes for Weight Loss and Keto Diets

Quinoa is a superfood from South America like chia seeds. It’s one of the rare few plant sources that’s a complete protein. A complete protein is a food source of protein that has the 9 essential amino acids that our body cannot produce naturally.  Some examples include: Fish Eggs Poultry e.g. chickens Beef Pork  Dairy…

Chia Seed Recipes: Ideas for a Healthy Breakfast, Snack, Drink and Meal
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Chia Seed Recipes: Ideas for a Healthy Breakfast, Snack, Drink and Meal

Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can help to raise HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol that helps protect against heart attack and stroke. They are also rich in antioxidants and full of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Chia is also considered a nourishing superfood. If you want to maintain…

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