Apple Cider Vinegar- Know the Health benefits before you start drinking!

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Health Benefits

When you crush apples and ferment the natural juice extracted with yeast, it creates the popular apple cider vinegar.

What are the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar daily?

Why do famous celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian, Miranda Kerr, and Megan Fox swear by apple cider vinegar (also known as ACV)?

In this article, we explore the wonders and health benefits of this superfood and brands like Dr Braggs and Goli gummies!

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

A Pitcher of Apples and Apple Cider Vinegar
All About Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a superfood obtained by crushing apples. This turns it into a vinegar drink. It’s the most popular type of vinegar in the natural health community.

This is because it contains a blend of acetic acid, probiotics, magnesium, potassium, and enzymes. They are found to have great healing properties for the body.

There are many benefits of ACV, not just for drinking it and boosting our health, but for facial and hair application as well!

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar Made of and How Is It Made?

A mountain of crushed apples
Crushed Apples Used for Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting crushed apples.

Bacteria and yeast are added to the juice from the apples to produce ethanol. This alcohol is then fermented again to produce acetic acid that gives the vinegar its strong smell and sour taste.

Other ingredients such as honey, cinnamon, lemon, grapes, and ginger can be added to regular vinegar to give a different flavour.

There are many different brands and versions too, and the top popular types of ACV are usually raw and unfiltered.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar with “The Mother”?

You may have heard the term “the mother” with premium brands of ACV like Dr Bragg’s or Goli.

Health advocates insist on buying the right kind of ACV that has “the mother”. The mother of ACV consists of:

  1. Good bacteria (probiotics)
  2. Enzymes
  3. Acetic acid

The term refers to the dark, cloudy sediments at the bottom of unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

Many store-bought apple ciders are filtered, pasteurised, and cleared of these dark, murky sediments as many buyers mistake “the mother” culture as products that went moldy or became spoilt. Most of the time, people prefer a clear and clean-looking cider to buy.

These cloudy, murky sediments of “the mother” are actually a complex structure of beneficial acetic acids and good bacteria (such as probiotics) that have health benefits. It’s called the mother because it’s the key ingredient that produces the vinegar.

Benefits of The Mother in Apple Cider Vinegar

The mother consists of probiotics (with the apple as probiotic-building prebiotics are good for us). These probiotics help our gut, digestive tract, and immune system become strong and robust for a healthy body.

The mother also contains enzymes that your body use for digesting complex food to nourish your body.

Another component of the mother is acetic acid. It helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, blood glucose, and dissolving cholesterol that blocks our blood vessels.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Woman doing yoga by the sea facing the sunset
Benefits of Eating Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar’s six major health benefits have been proven by different scientific studies:

  1. Regulating blood sugar
  2. Lowering cholesterol
  3. Reducing blood pressure
  4. Weight loss
  5. Improving the skin condition
  6. Relieving acid reflux

Regulate Blood Sugar and Reduce Diabetes Risk With ACV

Male patient with a female doctor taking a diabetes glucose prick test
Apple Cider Vinegar Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

The anti-glycemic effect of apple cider vinegar helps keep blood sugar levels balanced. The inclusion of honey helps improve glucose intake and in turn, insulin sensitivity. This helps the body produce the insulin required.

Did you know that nine percent of the global population suffers from diabetes?

Despite being the sixth-highest killer in the world, diabetes is a disease that can be prevented by adopting proper lifestyle and dietary choices. For example, you can avoid consuming excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates.

High levels of blood sugar are believed to be the leading cause of ageing and various chronic diseases. They affect not just diabetic patients, but everyone else as well.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Taking a person's blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor
Apple Cider Vinegar Reduces Blood Pressure

Research showed that acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can lower your blood pressure levels. It reduces the activity of renin, an enzyme that is involved in high blood pressure.

Besides drinking ACV, you should exercise regularly, increase your fibre and cut down on sodium. This helps you achieve healthier blood pressure levels and a stronger heart.

Lowers Cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar is also associated with reducing the risk of heart disease as it decreases bad cholesterol whilst increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and antioxidant enzymes.

Maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol and blood pressure can significantly reduce the chances of having a heart attack.

Independent research and controlled studies have yielded promising results. A study in Japan found that the consistent intake of ACV every day lowered the participants’ cholesterol.

Another research piece published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry also concludes that this superfood is effective in controlling triglycerides that cause sudden and severe abdominal pain.

With the presence of antioxidant chlorogenic acid, it is believed to prevent heart disease by protecting “bad” cholesterol particles from becoming oxidised.

Weight Loss With ACV

Lady using a measuring tape to measure her waist
Apple Cider Vinegar Helps With Weight Loss

The acetic acid within apple cider vinegar interferes with the body’s digestion of starch to prevent the calories you consume from entering the bloodstream.

Consuming this vinegar also reduces your glycemic response to a meal. It has a satiety effect that helps you feel fuller than you actually are.

A bottle of water mixed with two teaspoons can be consumed throughout the day to induce the feeling of a ‘full’ stomach which can aid in weight loss efforts. ACV also reduces water retention and increases metabolism rates.

Note that the vinegar should be taken together with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle for healthy weight loss.

You can refer to this video of influencer Paige Mariah on how she uses apple cider vinegar for her weight loss regime.

How I Lost Over 30 Pounds – Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss | Paige Mariah

Relieves Acid Reflux

Lady pointing to a painful spot on her body
Apple Cider Vinegar Prevents Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can be caused by either too little or too much stomach acid or even intestinal issues.

The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar are similar to the acidic levels of the stomach.

It helps to process the food you eat and ACV can help replenish the lack of stomach acid and bring it back to normal levels to treat acid reflux.

ACV Relieves Sunburns and Bug Bites

Sunburnt arm of a man in a red singlet
Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Sunburn

You can apply apple cider vinegar with a washcloth onto the affected area to relieve the pain. Otherwise, you can dilute two cups in a bathtub of water for soaking and relief of the affected area.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Prevent Bad Breath?

A woman frowning at her bad breath
Apple Cider Vinegar Solves Bad Breath

Yes, apple cider vinegar has natural acetic and malic acid that reduce bad breath-causing bacteria.

Do this after brushing your teeth with baking soda or toothpaste:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of ACV with a glass of water (around 8 ounces or 240ml)
  2. Gargle for 30 seconds
  3. Spit out and rinse or drink some plain water

How Do I Whiten My Teeth With Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar to whiten your teeth
Apple Cider Vinegar Helps to Whiten Your Teeth
  • Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and rinse your mouth in the morning to kill bacteria and remove stains on your teeth
  • You may also rub the vinegar directly on stubborn stains
  • You can rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth 30 minutes after that

Caution: Do not rinse with undiluted vinegar as it may erode your tooth enamel. Dilute it to a ratio of at least one teaspoon to a cup.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Genital Warts?

Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat genital warts in the comforts of your own home. The acidic properties are similar to prescription medication used to kill the virus and bacteria on contact.

The vinegar, when diluted with water, will burn and slowly erode the infected skin, causing the wart to fall off. You might experience skin irritation from the application of the solution, so go easy and don’t overdo it.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Toxins?

A family outdoors cycling together happily
Apple Cider Vinegar Removes Toxins and Improves Your Immune System

The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar can bind toxins and assist in removing them from your body.

The potassium content helps clear the lymph nodes, improve lymph and blood circulation and detox the liver.

By removing the toxins, the overall immune system is improved. Dilute two tablespoons of this vinegar with water and honey and consume it throughout the day to do the trick!

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Plaque From Arteries?

The potassium content within ACV can thin blood naturally as it can break down the fats and proteins that might cause your blood to thicken.

Potassium also allows blood to pass through the arteries easily. This improves the circulatory process and prevents clogged arteries, hypertension and decreases the risk of a stroke or heart attack.

You can dilute two tablespoons of ACV with either sugar or honey in a glass of water and consume it throughout the day.

Skin Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Improves Skin Condition

An Asian woman smiling
Apple Cider Vinegar Helps Improve Your Skin Condition

Rinse your face daily by mixing one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water to reduce age spots.

You can also use a cotton swab to apply the mixture to your skin.

Apple cider vinegar can remove the excess oil from our skin and since the pH level is the same as the protective acid mantle layer of our skin.

This way, ACV helps balance the pH level and prevent it from being too dry or oily.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Dark Spots?

Woman with various dark spots on her face
Apply Diluted ACV to Cure Dark Spots

The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar are known to cure dark spots.

Soak a cotton swab in diluted vinegar and apply to the dark spot for a week for a few minutes before rinsing it away with water.

Be mindful that the ACV is an acid after all and it needs to be diluted or you will risk burning your skin when applying.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Moles?

Removal of a mole of a woman's face
Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Moles

ACV can be an all-natural cure for mole removal that is pain-free and leaves minimal scarring. The supplies needed are relatively inexpensive:

  1. Cotton swab or balls
  2. Apple cider vinegar (diluted with water)
  3. Plasters or band-aids

Dip the cotton swab into the solution of apple cider vinegar with water. Remove the excess solution before applying the swab onto the mole and secure it with either a plaster or band-aid.

Leave it on for about six to eight hours before removal. Within a few days, the mole will form a scab which will eventually fall off, leaving no scars behind.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Skin Tags?

Removed Skin Tags on the Nape of the Neck
Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Skin Tags

Skin tags can also be removed with the help of apple cider vinegar. It is an inexpensive and all-natural way of removal.

Note that you might feel mild stinging on your skin as it might not be used to the ACV. You can also further dilute the solution if you think it is too concentrated.

Items required:

  1. Cotton swab or balls
  2. Apple cider vinegar (diluted with water)
  3. Plasters or band-aids

Ensure that the area around the skin tag is clean and sterile before beginning the process.

Dip the cotton swab into the solution of apple cider vinegar with water.

Remove the excess solution before applying the swab onto the mole and secure it with either a plaster or band-aid. Leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes before removal. The process will have to be repeated for a few weeks for desired results.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Milia?

The appearance of acne called milia and its removal
Apple Cider Vinegar in Removing Milia

Milia are characterised as white yellowish bumps that form under the skin where dead skin cells are trapped in its pores.

ACV can be used as a natural replacement for toners that are used to contract our pores.

This allows our pores to be free of dirt. You can dilute ACV with water and apply it to the affected areas or on the face as either a toner or a cleanser for around 30 minutes before washing it off with warm water.

Repeat the process over the next few weeks and you will gradually see results!

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Pimples and Scars?

Before and after transition of a woman with acne on her face
Apple Cider Vinegar Helps Improve Complexion and Remove Pimples

Whether it’s whiteheads, blackheads, pustules or more, nobody enjoys staring at acne when they look into the mirror.

Pimples may occur when the acidity level of our skin is imbalanced and the vinegar can restore that acidity to normal levels.

As the acidity of apple cider vinegar can remove dead skin cells, it’s said to help fade acne scars as well.

When you wash your face, remember to dab some diluted ACV with filtered water before rinsing it off. It’ll help reduce the appearance of pimples and acne scars.

You’ll be able to see the effects in a couple of weeks when your skin gets softer and your scars start to fade.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Remove Age Spots?

Presence of age spots on a person's face
Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to Improve Complexion and Remove Age Spots

The alpha-hydroxy acid of this vinegar is a popular ingredient in many skincare products as it helps the skin renew itself to stay fresh.

Age spots can be removed by applying diluted ACV with water on a cotton pad onto your face.

Remember to rinse it off with cool water after 20 minutes and you will see a difference in the weeks to come!

How Do I Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?

You can easily make this drink with one step:

  • Mix one to two teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces (about 240ml) of plain water.
  • If needed, you can add flavours like one to two tablespoons of honey.

Even though vinegar is already good on its own, it’s usually consumed with a mix of warm water, honey, and lemon.

This creates a potent cocktail that contains the best nutrients, antioxidants and health benefits that can relieve a variety of common or chronic illnesses.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe

Honey, Lemon, Ginger
Honey, Lemon and Ginger Drink

Recipe with honey, lemon and ginger:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger

Preparation is as easy as mixing and stirring the above ingredients for a healthy and nutritional brew.

Even though it will suffice to just drink unfiltered apple cider vinegar with warm water, complementary ingredients such as honey, lemon juice, and ginger can be added to enhance its taste and nutritional value.

When Can I Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?

You should drink ACV on a daily basis:

  • In the morning, just after you wake up
  • Before or during meals
  • Before bedtime

Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar at different times of day can also have significant impacts on your overall well being.

You can have it as a refreshing chilled drink or a warm, comforting beverage.

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar With Honey in the Morning

Woman stretching after waking up in bed
Drink ACV on an Empty Stomach After You Wake Up

Apple cider vinegar with honey is beneficial and recommended for people with digestive issues and muscle pains.

Slowly drink a warm glass of water with one teaspoon of unfiltered ACV and organic honey on an empty stomach, followed by another glass of water every morning.

Have Some Vinegar Before or During Meals

Family dining together happily
Take Apple Cider Vinegar Before or During Meals

Consuming vinegar and honey before or during meals is beneficial to those with high blood sugar.

This is because it helps improve insulin function and lowers blood sugar levels after meals. On the other hand, honey encourages the production of insulin and the liver’s intake of glucose.

It may improve the body’s ability to take in the necessary minerals for you to get the most out of your meal.

A Glass of Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed

Woman in bed grabbing a glass of water on the bedside table
Take Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed

Taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with honey and warm water about half an hour before bed is proven to lower blood glucose levels by an average of four percent in the morning!

The levels of potassium in ACV will replenish and balance body potassium levels to help reduce the possibility of night cramps.

How to Store Apple Cider Vinegar

  1. Store your ACV in a cool and dry place (you can keep it in the fridge, but it’s not necessary)
  2. Avoid direct heat or sunlight
  3. You should also keep the ACV bottle/cup sealed or closed after opening

If you are storing your ACV properly, it will stay at its best for about two to five years.

It does not spoil, and it’s safe to use after the expiry date (the easiest way to check is to taste it yourself. Check the smell and taste). Vinegar does not go bad because ACV has high acidity and it kills any possible bacteria growth. The appearance and flavour do fade nor change over time.

Precautions and Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar

As the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be harmful.

Be wary of the side effects and moderate your consumption of unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

After all, it’s still an acid and it should be diluted with water before consumption to prevent damaging the soft tissue of the mouth and oesophagus.

Consuming too much vinegar is bad for:

  • Teeth enamel
  • Throat
  • Stomach
  • Lower potassium levels that support your muscles and nerves.
  • Allergy sufferers

Don’t use it as a nasal spray, sinus wash, or eye drop.

For those on specific medication or with certain conditions:

  • Insulin for diabetes, vinegar can make your blood sugar and potassium levels drop.
  • Digoxin (Lanoxin) and diuretic drugs, vinegar can also lower your potassium too much.
  • Stomach acid issues such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, indigestion

Consult your doctor as ACV might react with the medication you are taking.

Too Busy to Make Your Own Apple Cider Vinegar Mix?

If you’re packed throughout the day, but still want to brew your own apple cider vinegar to reap its nutritional and natural goodness, fret not.

 Your step towards good health has never been this convenient! Get your ACV today at HoneyCity! Goods are available while stocks last, on a first-come-first-served basis.



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